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Artist of the Week: Adrienne Caldwell


As our lips met, the conversation grew deeper.
It's like I could taste the words that were coming next.
I almost choked on his sweet breath cuz
He spit some real s**t that I could only respect
Now, this kiss was no normal kiss at all
It was more fictional,
A conversation turned visual (in my mind of course).
This brotha let words pass so easily through his lips
That whatever he said sounded good, even if it was just bulls**t.
So my naive mind allowed him to manipulate my thoughts.
He invaded me on a mental note
And honestly... I didn't want him to stop
So I, searched for something more to talk about,
But he caught on to my game.
He started speaking to my heart and my mind,
Trying to make it orgasm in this small amount of time.
His flashy smile only made it worse.
I was in love with the current situation though so I,
Snapped back to reality and realized that conversation and good words have only Lead me to broken hearts so I,
Quickly withdrew myself to avoid complications
Before this fantasy relationship that had formed in my mind,
Became exactly what he wanted
Nothing but RELATIONS...


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